The process of attracting clients is a tough task that requires very special preparation and personal positioning. Attracting new customers requires approaching them “cold-door”, that is, without any prior knowledge or contact with the customer. This demands from our team a moral force and perseverance that can only be developed by personnel specially prepared for these tasks. On the other hand, these actions can only be carried out in a work environment separated from the usual dynamics of "action / reaction" that daily commercial management demands... where inevitably WHAT IS URGENT ALWAYS PREVAILS OVER WHAT IS IMPORTANT.
The methodology developed by JL5 International Management has the following phases
- Analysis of the situation or contrast of the client
- Strategic Marketing Reflection / Definition of the approach message
- Identification and Research of Potential Clients
- Establishment of the Map of Potential Clients prioritized quantitatively
- Customer Approach Campaign (phone, mail, presentation meeting)
- Commercial Management: Collection of inquiries / Launch of Offers / Negotiation / Sale.